Powering (Fantasy) F1
In the mid 90’s Jemmac co-founder James Weedon decided to combine technical learning with his passion for Formula 1 by running an intranet based Fantasy Formula 1 league…
The Cotswolds
Following our recent water borne escapades in the name of Team Building and Company Harmony, it was decided to do something a little more laid back for the 2013 event…
OPCFailover V2-2 released
OPCFailover is a simple and effective way of increasing the availability of data to your business benefiting OPC Client applications…
Can’t software run forever?
Many industries today are facing the same ‘legacy’ issues relating to software and hardware obsolescence…
Karting 2012
Following the success of this year’s Team Building Day in May and subsequent additions to the Jemmac team this year it was felt that a “Mini Team Building Day” was in order…
SapphireTrend V5-3 released
Release V5-3 is the latest version of SapphireTrend, Jemmac Software’s world leading real-time process visualization package…